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03-06-10, 09:55 AM   #22
A Cliff Giant
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 73
I generally do it on a need-driven basis. For a very long time, my UI was basically Blizzard + a few addons. Today, only the unit frames haven't really changed.

Problem is, there's so many spells and inventory items in WoW that it's a bit crazy trying to manage all of them. That's probably the #1 reason I had to go away from the default bars and find better ways of managing my UI.

Especially when I started playing a mage, I pretty much had to find better ways of doing things.

Can't have all of my teleport, portal spells, and various foods and drinks using up my UI, but have to access them quickly, so I grabbed OPie and AutoBar.

There's still a lot of spells, so grabbed Bartender (which actually replaces Macaroon, an addon that turned out to not get many updates and was too complex to configure).

But all of my stuff essentially started getting in the way of my 3D window, so I grabbed Sunn - Viewport Art, which has the ability to resize the 3D window.

There's also a balance of information vs simplicity. I do like to keep things simple and try not to install too much - but then again, as a mage my DPS is very important, so I have Recount and some other addon that displays the DPS on my spell buttons (forget the name). So some information is very important and gets added, but I still try to keep it simple.

Every once in a while, I go through the list of addons, deleting what I don't need or what isn't really that useful. I always end up getting rid of the "information bar" addons because there's surprisingly little amount of information I want available at all times - I very much prefer information that is available when I'm using it, and hidden when not using it.

It's a work in progress, and is still a work in progress. I may do major changes every once in a while, but for the most part it changes slowly rather than quickly.
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