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04-13-10, 08:58 AM   #20
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 4
Not sure how helpful this will be, but having healed for a while I'd like to point out what I feel would be helpful in the future.

- Center position below action bars priority for healing frames such as vuhdo/grid/healbot or some integrated nUI deal. That bottom center of the UI real estate is just too valuable to use it for anything other than your primary job -- and that's healing which means a healing raid frame setup. It's fine for general use, or DPS'ing, but when you're healing (even in a 5 man), the map just isn't a priority and that space isn't used efficiently then.

- Ability to have small raid units displayed out of the center just for general reference, targetting.

The way it is now, I can run vuhdo positioned to the right for healing and the middle is a mini map and raid frames. This, to me, is backwards.

I do love the UI though, just thought I would offer some healer perspective.

Keep up the good work.
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