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04-18-10, 11:32 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 4
Unhappy Help Helpbot infopanel wont lock correctly

I am using the Healbot info panel add-on but i cant seem to make it stay locked in the position i place it at. As new people add to the group or raid the box will shift at time until it is out of the screen area and I will have to unlock it to view groups. Other times the box will just drop to the bottom right of the info panel although i had it anchored top left in options. It didn't do this before so was wondering if it is from the latest wow patch. Healbot is current and I saw no options for the info panel. Is there a setting that I am missing as I am lost for options. I like having it in the window and using it for 10/25 man raids works great for me when it used to act right.