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03-27-06, 03:41 PM   #2
A Cyclonian
robodude666's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by deadheart
Would it be possible to get some assistance on getting the T. King Undead Gothic UI to load? I've downloaded the zip, unzipped it to a folder on the desktop..then copied and pasted the folders inside the second subfolder into the AddOns folder in the wow directory, and a few other things i could think of, but no go. Just to check if I was doing it wrong i did the same thing with the gypsy mod and it seemed to work fine. I use the firefox browzer and have win-xp . Hope that's enough info, i'd love to be using T.King's art again.

Thanks Much

This is not an "addons" type of mod. This is an art pack for the game

Installation instructions:

- Save to your World of Warcraft folder, and extract. Allow it to overwrite files if prompted to do so, unless you suspect there are custom graphics belonging to an addon (in any case this shouldn’t be a problem).

- (PLEASE NOTE) When you select Extract All, make sure the destination for the extraction is \program files\world of warcraft - and not \program files\world of warcraft\tking_undead1.1.2005\ - simply backspace over the \tking_undead1.1.2005 path.

- The .zip file creates the folder \data\interface with additional subfolders containing the graphics (.blp) files. To remove this theme, simply remove the subfolders beneath \data\interface, leaving only the root data\interface folder files and the folder \cinematics with its contents.
- Launch World of Warcraft.

That’s all there is to it!
From the desc. of the mod. In short, extract it into your /World of Warcraft/ folder. if your running a windows machine (maybe mac also) it should tell you that the folder "data" already exists and if you want to write over it. select yes to all.

So, if you do this correctly, in x:\locationofwow\data\Interface\ there should be 23 folders.

Hope this helps,
Toriand of Zul'jin
What do you mean there is no cow level?!
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