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05-21-10, 05:43 AM   #5
nUI Maintainer
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Hmm, okay, the macro angle doesn't work. But then again I never use macros for stuff like that.

Okay, looks like you will have to use an addon even to just test this as you have to use a query function to get it to grab the information. Here's a block of code I used and it works in a simplistic way.

local tType, tName, itemLink, count, tab1, tab2, year, month, day, hour;

local function onEvent(self,event,...)
	if ( event == "GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED" ) then
		for tab = 1,GetNumGuildBankTabs() do
			for index = 1,GetNumGuildBankTransactions(tab) do
				tType, tName, itemLink, count, tab1, tab2, year, month, day, hour = GetGuildBankTransaction(tab, index);
				print(tab,index,tType, tName, itemLink, count, tab1, tab2, year, month, day, hour);
		for index = 1, GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions() do
			tType, tName, amount, years, months, days, hours = GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction(index);
			print("Money",index,tType, tName, amount, year, month, day, hour);

local evFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","evFrame",UIParent);
evFrame:SetScript( "OnEvent", onEvent );
evFrame:RegisterEvent( "GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED" );
Open the Guild Bank window to trigger the Query function. It doesn't use it straight away though so close the window and reopen and it should then display the print info lines. It's not perfect and you will probably need to tweak when to use the query function and transaction functions but its a start.

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Last edited by Xrystal : 05-21-10 at 06:03 AM.
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