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05-21-10, 08:57 AM   #7
nUI Maintainer
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Aha finally got it to work... its annoying but finally works the moment you open the guildbank frame. You have to have it open for it to work unfortunately.

Final Code and a screenshot to show how it is outputting the information :

local tType, tName, itemLink, count, tab1, tab2, year, month, day, hour;
local queryCount = 0;

local function onEvent(self,event,...)

             -- Only work if the Guild Bank Frame is open 
	if ( not GuildBankFrame:IsVisible() ) then

             -- If the Guild Bank Frame has been opened then query each
             -- tabs log and contents.  And then query the money log.
	if ( event == "GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED" ) then
		queryCount = 0;
		for tab = 1,GetNumGuildBankTabs() do
             -- Each QueryGuildBank.... call will trigger this update but we only 
             -- want to display the final report which will contain everything 
             -- found.  queryCount is used to keep track of which stage we are
             -- at
	elseif ( event == "GUILDBANKLOG_UPDATE" ) then
		queryCount = queryCount + 1;
		if queryCount == GetNumGuildBankTabs() + 1 then
			for tab = 1, GetNumGuildBankTabs() do
				local maxTabTrans = GetNumGuildBankTransactions(tab);
                                      -- For each transaction in the current tab extract the information required.
				for trans = 1,maxTabTrans do
					tType, tName, itemLink, count, tab1, tab2, year, month, day, hour = GetGuildBankTransaction(tab, trans);
                                      -- If this is the last transaction then we want to display it in some form
					if trans == maxTabTrans then
						if ( tab1 ) then tab1 = GetGuildBankTabInfo(tab1); end
						if ( tab2 ) then tab2 = GetGuildBankTabInfo(tab2); end
						print("Last Item Transaction: ",tab,maxTabTrans,tType, tName, itemLink, count, tab1, tab2, year, month, day, hour, "Time Conversion = (", RecentTimeDate(year, month, day, hour),")");					
                                      -- Now repeat the same process for the money log
			local maxMoneyTrans = GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions();
			for trans = 1,maxMoneyTrans do
				tType, tName, amount, years, months, days, hours = GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction(trans);
				if ( trans == maxMoneyTrans ) then
					print("Last Money Transaction: ",maxMoneyTrans,tType, tName, amount, year, month, day, hour, "Time Conversion = (", RecentTimeDate(year, month, day, hour),")");

local evFrame = CreateFrame("Frame","evFrame",UIParent);
evFrame:SetScript( "OnEvent", onEvent );
evFrame:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGIN" );
evFrame:RegisterEvent( "GUILDBANKLOG_UPDATE" );
evFrame:RegisterEvent( "GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED" );
Changing amount to GetDenominationsFromCopper(amount) will convert it to x Gold x Silver x Copper etc as calculated.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	WoWScrnShot_052110_155343.jpg
Views:	1412
Size:	416.3 KB
ID:	4286  

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Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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Last edited by Xrystal : 05-21-10 at 05:19 PM.
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