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06-01-10, 03:04 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 2
How lite is NuI lite compared to +

I have been using NuI+ for probably 4+months and I love it. The problem I have ran into is that now in 25 ICC my computer is starting to lag and im dropping down to below 9 FPS while in a boss fight, though I had little problems in ToC except for the PvP fight. This has unfortunatley caused me to have to stop using NuI+ (I also do have my graphics turned all the way down).

If I went with NuI lite would it help with this problem any at all?

If not the main thing that I miss the most about NuI is the HUD...all the information about buffs, debuffs of my target and target of target helps me alot when im tanking. I have tried using a few HUDs but have not been able to get any to show all the information that the NuI one shows. Is there any way to just use the HUD from NUI without the rest of the addons?
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