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07-06-10, 11:07 PM   #23
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Well, lemme just say: I'm not deleting my bookmarks or anything.

I dunno, though. This is pretty awful. I have a close friend who plays this game, who's transgendered. And who, obviously, just cancelled. This was his/her favorite game for the last four or five years, and (thanks to lack of medical coverage) was quite literally the only part of his/her life where it was possible to have social interactions not overshadowed by "hey, your voice sounds sorta like you're a..."

It's bad enough that I can't imagine how anyone could think this would be okay, meaning that even if they revert it, I still won't feel like I can trust Blizzard anymore.

Before the Real ID thing, I basically trusted Blizzard to be honest with me. I mean, they changed their minds sometimes on patches or features, but they were basically honest. Now, they just spent two weeks telling us all that Real ID was only for use with people you know and trust in real life... and it turns out they really meant "it's for absolutely everyone to see".
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