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04-02-06, 03:48 PM   #29
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 7
Thumbs up Hrmmm....

Originally Posted by Logdan
You can. You just can't use that pause to delay a spellcast.
Would inputting a "search" to see if you have the buff be enough delay? I know other programs can see what buffs you have on.

Originally Posted by Apollyoonx
Here I think this can help solve our autobuff options, now all we need is to put the 2 togehter and make it work...

Check this and see what i mean...Maybe all these authors shoud get together and talk...

The IsMoving addon exposes the PlayerIsMoving function to macros and addons, which returns true when the player is in motion. Due to changes in permissions in patch 1.10, this is no longer accomplished by modifying keybindings, but instead keeps track of your map position and updates it according to an adjustable time rate.
Changes :
- Due to changes that prevents using movement functions in addons, this addon has been completely reworked. Functionality is the same.
- Added /IsMoving commands to change the rate at which the players position is updated by the addon. Depending on your framerate and system performance, you may need to lower or increase this value. The default is 0.1 (player position updates every 1/10th of a second.)
- Known Bugs: Will not work in instances and other mapless areas due to restrictions on the GetPlayerMapPosition function. In these situations, it will always return false.

v1.0 (unreleased):
- Added a IsMoving section the keybindings menu. By mapping W, S, Q, and E to these functions, PlayerIsMoving is usable.
- PlayerIsMoving function returns true if the player is moving, false if not.
It seems logical that it can be done by those that know how to code this. It would just require adding some "if" and "then" lines, but doesn't seem too tricky. I haven't coded in so many years though, I really wish I would have stuck with it after I stopped MUDD'ing. Bleh.
Have you contacted the author of the above mod? They may even know how.
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