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07-08-10, 11:12 PM   #117
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 350
I've been thinking lately about this and doing something I hadn't contemplated before: quitting. To be honest, if it was just my wife and I, we'd have canceled already over this but it's more complicated than that -- price of running a guild that's getting on to 14yrs old and prides itself on being family.

I'm not a fanboy of Blizzard -- respected them as a company, enjoyed their games, but the game mattered and I've played too many games in my time and I'm jaded and cynical and I enjoyed that those aspects of me didn't need a lot of air-time in WoW.

The stupidity of this forced Real ID thing are self-evident to anyone with a single working brain-cell, as is the simple perma-nickname solution. Why not implement it? At this point "ulterior motive" is the only answer I can come up with.

All that said, to my mind Blizzard's reputation will be forever marred, no matter how they play it. Facebook took a trashing (deservedly so and they weren't beaten up nearly to the degree they deserve) and their reputation will be linked with "disdain for customer's desire for privacy vs Zucker's thirst for money." Blizzard may yet turn this around and play a bit of a hero but, let's face it, the trust factor is forever lost.

The surprising thing is that, after all I've been through, Blizzard actually built up some trust for me to lose.

/sad day-one-collector's-edition panda
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