Thread: Cirk's Fastcast
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04-03-06, 10:05 AM   #12
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 15
as auto cancellation of heals (aka mana conserve) is history, I've added some code to an addon I provide to my guild which will warn if a spell being cast should better be cancelled. So my thought was to use code similar to:

function CastHeal()
   if isCasting and isOverhealing then 
      isCasting = false
      isCasting = true
to be able to have one key that will either cast or cancel the spell (with the advantage that you dont have to jump anymore, and don't need to cancel using WSC either, which sometimes deselects the target if being hit too late).

Now the problem is that people using FastCast (including me cant cancel their heals, as FastCast seems to prevent SpellStopCasting() from working until shortly before the spell lands (am I right? If not, I must have a stupid bug in my code, and you can ignore the rest of this posting . So with your new version, I could add a FastcastStopCasting() to my code. But: everyone who doesnt have FastCast installed, or everyone with an older version that doesnt offer that function yet will end up with a big error message on his screen.

So my question is: is there any way to check if FastCast is installed and if FastcastStopCasting() is available, so my code will only run FastcastStopCasting() for people who have the latest FastCast?

Thanks in advance.
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