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07-19-10, 06:24 AM   #11
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 81
I have the Problem the other way around. There are displaying Chat tabs which I don't use. Maybe because I use Prat.

I go a little bit more in my Chat interface.

After the Update to 3.3.5 and Updating to nUI 5.06.27 (or 26) I have many Problems on my Main, so I decide to delete the Chat configuration, after that I getting back the 4 using Chatframes:
* The normal one
*As a Tab beside the normal one the PVP named Channel where Whispers and conversation are displaying
* A second normal one (because of the Chat_Infopanel_Plugin)
* A Whisper Chat Window in which only the old whispers are displaying

On my Twink, the PVP window never appears or I have some Problems up to nUI 5.06.29 . Since this Update also with a try of downgrade I never get the Problem away that there are displaying Chat windows from 4 to 7. I have to close them.

On my newest Twink which exist since 5 Day's I discover something the same as on my Main, but I see, that the "Chat 4" Window WoW use is the PVP Window. It doesn't get that name, but I behave like it.

The Problem with the displaying Chat windows doesn't get cool with a RL, because in the chat conf they are marked as show = 0.

I think nUI has to grab them, because Prat doesn't know that they exist.

To the think with the Chat, I tried it one time and the is going an extra window as tab beside the normal chat window.

So as I have 3 RL-ID friends (cool word, I have more than three) I can test everything you want to know. I have some skills in programming languages. (PHP5 with OOP i really knowing good and in C++ I can write function, but doesn't have any Idea how to make a program executable for an OS). So if you write me, which part of the Code I should comment or looking what's on if I chaining there something I really can do this for you, maybe I have an idea and want to playing around in the code a little bit and discover something cool.

But do this if you have time.

Best wishes for your family and you.
To be or not to be.