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07-24-10, 01:56 PM   #11
Led ++
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 254
I usually have a rough picture in my head on how I want my UI and what I want to achieve with the UI.

Then if it's a clean addons isntall I start with disabling or hiding everything I don't need (actionbars, some UF's, .. all the clutter around minimap, ..) so my screen is as empty as possible.

before I start I generally put the chat in the bottom left corner, make sure I have a clean minimap and place it where I want it, and place my buffs at the desired place (tho not fully configured yet)

Then I just start doing whatever I feel like doing at that time. Tho the main focus are always the unit frames as I find those the most important part of the UI (I'm a tank).

I build up everything in segments. For example, my unit frame is together with my cooldown actionbar, my buff bar for procs, short duration buffs etc, my castbar and thigns like that.

While my target frame is together with my threatbars, ToT frame, short duration boss timers, etc.

After that comes party/raid which as a tank aren't that important anyway.

Then I basically jsut follow my feeling on what I should change so it would benefit my playstyle as much as possible, mostly taking a few weeks before my raw sketch of the UI finally has a "completed" version. Which can be quite different from the image I first had in my head.
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