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04-10-06, 05:01 AM   #9
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 8
Still problems with localization

Hello Cirk,

thank you very much for your prompt help and sorry for my delayed reply but I spent some nice days in Prague without internet and wow

Well, here is my update for you (tested only with the german client so far):

With the changes you posted I don't get error messages any more and a normal hit from a mob corretly removes a charge from inner fire.

But a special attack (Shardtooth Mauler's Maul hits you for xxx.) seems to be ignored. I don't get an error message and a look into the combat log raises this suspicion because in the case I get 20 hits (4 of them special attacks) the inner fire symbol disappears after these 20 hits with 4 charges from your counter left.

I looked around and found some hints for an eventual solution in other mods.


In init.lua and localization.DE.lua the author does some funny things with strings. And from what I can read off his comments he had similar problems with languages other than english.

In an article about string manipulation with lua (don't know any more where I found it) the mod MarsNeedyGreedy

was mentioned, in particular the included MarsMessageParser.lua

Sure, this is a shot into the dark since my lua knowledge is still limited to "Hello World"

I will do some further investigations with the german and french client and let you know if I find something useful.

Thank you again for your help and patience


Serentim aka Heino_H


After some testing with the german and french client I can say for sure that special attacks (non-crit) do not remove charges (but no error message as mentioned before). I did not get a SPELLLOGCRITOTHERSELF so far but I keep on fighting so I can see what happens then

Last edited by Heino_H : 04-10-06 at 08:26 AM.
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