Thread: CrbZ...
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09-08-10, 08:35 AM   #11
A Molten Giant
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 732
I feel like I should point a few things out...

Carbonite is not a program. Carbonite is an addon. To put things as simple as possible, while still remaining accurate, Carbonite is a small piece of code that is executed by Blizzard Entertainment's world-spread game World of Warcraft. Carbonite doesn't run anything, doesn't install anything, doesn't communicate with anything outside World of Warcraft.

I am not a developer of Carbonite. I am a user of Carbonite, just like yourself, who in addition dedicates free time to helping other users of Carbonite solve problems and questions that are within my knowledge. I don't know everything about World of Warcraft, Carbonite, or algebrah for that matter. The same thing goes (maybe except for algebrah) for the others who have replied in your thread - Vis, Zasurus, and Cloudspel are also users of Carbonite. And I think I speak for us all when I say that indeed, we as users of Carbonite, just like yourself, do not take responsibility for how Carbonite affects your play style.

As for how to solve your problem, as far as I know (being a user of Carbonite, just like you), it should be just a matter of leaving those channels manually while Carbonite isn't loaded.

You can deactivate Carbonite by unchecking all the Carbonite addons in the Addons window on your character selection screen. You can uninstall Carbonite by deleting all Carbonite folders from your Interface\AddOns folder. And if you're really paranoid, you can remove any trace Carbonite ever existed on your computer if you do a search on your computer for "Carbonite*" and delete everything that pops up.