Thread: CrbZ...
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09-13-10, 06:23 PM   #16
Large, Friendly Letters!
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Well stated nobgul. I personally was preparing a full broadside, but you did a much better (and much more tactful) job than I would've.

As for the OP, in no way should you EVER feel you have the right to scream at the people here who are trying to help you. There is no big "Carbonite conspiracy" designed to keep you from knowing how to fix your problem. The people who have posted hopefully helpful information are NOT the Carb devs. They are friendly guys and girls who happen to know a LOT about Carbonite. The Carbonite devs themselves rarely have time to track down every little problem their users have and most of us don't expect them to.

In closing let me say that ranting in the WoWI forums won't get you anything but ignored.

~ no need to make the message completely obnoxious - Cairenn