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09-24-10, 12:41 PM   #1
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 158
Looking for Recruit-A-Friend buddy

So, I want my X-53 touring rocket that I get for referring someone to wow who ends up paying for two months of play time. I've got several friends approaching the Outlands that I want to be able to fly around to places quickly, plus it looks cool, plus I enjoy collecting mounts. I'm a little bitter about the fact that I recruited three people to this game, all three of whom are still playing, but it was before RAF was introduced and the rewards are not retroactive.

So here's my idea: If anyone on this site knows any friends that do want to start playing, or want to start a second account or whatever, let me "recruit" you, then you buy the game and pay for the 2 months, and I'll take care of you in-game. My main is on Spirestone Horde, my alt is on Sen'Jin Alliance. Pick one of those two servers to start your toon on, and I'll buy all your mounts, your riding training, your cold weather flying, your dual-spec, 20-slot bags, and 7 bank spots. I'll have more money to help out with the rest of the leveling process, though I don't promise to be able to afford to power-level any professions, sorry. :S

I'll be online often to help out if this is a new player, and will help power-level through dungeon runs. (If I do happen to get a new player to take me up on this, I'm a patient person and a good teacher. I can teach you pretty much everything about this game, on any class.)

So ... what do you think?
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