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10-20-10, 06:52 PM   #12
A Cobalt Mageweaver
Xubera's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 207
1) How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?
According to payment history, on my 28th month. Started in September of '08 with a couple of breaks.

2) What is you affiliated side? Alliance or Horde?
Started Alliance, most recent break was from the monday just before 3.2 (ToC) and came back at the release of the final wing of ICC. Since then I;ve been leveling Horde.

3) What race and class are you?
Altoholic, today I might be a tauren warrior, tomorrow a Blood elf Priest, next week a troll mage.

4) What is your level?
6 80s, 2 70s, others

5) What is your talent Spec?
DPS in BC, Tank in LK, either heals or dps again in cata

6) What is your favorite dungeon to run?
Hero Occ

7) What realm type do you play on?
PvE Ally, PvP Horde

8) Are you in a guild?
I was before I went on my break, now im solo

9) Do you have a specific group you generally play with? (doesn't have to be affiliated with your guild.)
My buddy from my guild before the break

10) What is your preferred way of leveling? (eg. Questing, Grinding, Dungeons, Raids, Battlegrounds, etc.)
Battlegrounds and dungeons... Working on a toon where I vowed to complete 0 quests, so these help out with the long haul ahead

11)How often do you use the auction house?
A lot more recently, my questless toon has a lot of time to mine and skin, so I got an AH addon to help post my reagents at current prices

12) How many hours a week do you generally play?
10 to 30... just depends

13) You you communicate with other players through a speech mechanism (Eg. TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, Raid Chat, etc) or through typed messages in game? (Eg. WIM, or the standard whisper chat, etc.) If both which one do you use more frequently?
Standard Whisper

14) How many people have you met in game (Rough estimate.)
Have I met? in RL 2... well I didnt meet them, but exchanged phonenumbers facebook stuff.
I dont keep track of everyone else

15) What is your favorite thing about World of Warcraft?
I'm a procrastinator, so who doesnt like a good time sink that isnt paint drying on the wall?

16) What is your least favorite thing about World of Warcraft?
The fact that you can see this Lich King's mount, when his name is Invincible... I mean c'mon

17) What made you start Playing?
Nothin really.

18) What is your current gear score?
ranges from 3300 to 5900

19) What is your favorite event in game? (Eg. Brew Fest, Love is in the air, Day of the Dead etc.)
Altoholic... i stopped participating long ago... frustrating how one toon will have my pumpkin pet, but no one else. The toon i dont play much anymore has my spirit of competiton too...

20) How old are you in reality? (You can choose to answer or not)
Chat Consolidate is the solution to any out of control trade chat. Ignore lines, throttle chat, consolidate posts!Follow the link to find out how!

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