Thread: Bug report
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10-21-10, 06:13 AM   #13
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 121
But you can MANUALLY cancel the aura by type....

/cancelaura 'buff name'


/cancelaura Jack-o'-Lanterned! Will remove that damn pumpkin off your head

just make sure to type the 'buff name' exactly for it is on your screen or it won't work, it is not case sensitive, but I still put it in that way just to make sure. (actually I have a /macro I created for the pumpkin head...)
Have fun, and remember WOW is just a game, for us to enjoy, and all the Addons we use.... remember the programmer is a human too, and MOST times, is doing this as a hobby, so give them time to have their life, so they can fix the addons, so we can have our WOW life.