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10-27-10, 03:52 AM   #42
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 40
Originally Posted by haylie View Post
What's the difference between believing God created the world cause some guys in black coats said so or believing a huge explosion created the universe cause some guys in white coats said so? Which is more absurd?
Quoted for teh winz!

And to answer on that: I don't believe in either because it is not important to me. I simply am, because my parents had a great night together and I am the result~ And when I die I die.

I am not frightened of death itself. If it happens it happens. I am frightened about how it might happen though. And why should I be frightened at all? I don't know if something like a hell or heaven really exists, so why should I waste time worrying about it? Spending all my life for just finding out that in the end there is the absolute nothing or something I least expected? I don't expect anything. That way I cannot be disappointed. (If one is even capable of being disappointed or if there is simply a /dev/null so to speak.)

Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
I feel that religion and government should be two divided by law.
Oh yeah my favourite thought on exactly this topic:

IF a government is supporting and sporting religion, there's no reason to not accept criminal acts by simply saying "God told me to do it!". It would justify everything and no one can prove you wrong if they officially state "Yes, religion/god exists and we as a government believe in it!".

If they believe in religion, they also believe that he really has the power to interact with individual people (Moses for example had a nice convo with god on some certain mountain .P) so how would regular people have the right to say " But he didn't talk to you and you are just lying! "? They couldn't prove it at all and would have to accept it. Because if they don't believe you, they shouldn't believe in their religion either because that also "could" be a lie.

And yeah, this is my reason for saying: Those two should definately be divided by law. You cannot connect religion and government because it brings major flaws in either the one or the other.

Last edited by Aarokh : 10-27-10 at 04:06 AM.
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