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10-27-10, 12:08 PM   #52
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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They never taught anyone to read, they taught people to sing hymns.
Reading skills was limited even among the upper classes and the clergy itself let alone the serfs (was non-existent)

I don't have a grudge against you or religion I'm a "live and let live" person.

I picked a specific part of your post not because I lack knowledge or opinion on the rest,
but for reasons of brevity.

Unfortunately it is so full of misinformation I'd need several walls of text to counter each point separately,
so take it as an example if you wish, I picked the one I could reply to summarily.

I like Neo-Platonism so much.
Ofc the ideas are pure it's the imperfect human condition that taints everything.

Such a pity we have to contend with realities and the human lives are shaped by actual social forces with political and monetary strength (like the church and institutions) and not abstract ideals.

I have no grudge against any religion I have no need for it for my own person as I clearly stated on my first post.

I make no special effort to like or dislike religious people as I wouldn't for race, age, ethnicity etc.
I've enjoyed hours of conversation about the meaning of life the universe and everything with childhood friends that are deeply religious.

Anyway I'm going to give this thread a rest for a while.
I hope it goes back to being a bit more pluralistic but thanks for the exchange, agree or disagree it's still stimulating
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