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11-10-10, 09:54 AM   #4118
This Space For Rent
Haleth's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,173
I'm tired of bar and text unitframe displays, so I decidde to try stupid things until I discover something good.

The glow is a gradient of the health colour. Because there's no actual moving bars, the transition is very smooth, yet because of the bright colour you can see the health status at a glance. I might use the backdrop for debuff highlight or reaction coloring, and decrease the opacity of the portrait. Text would probably be on mouseover, apart from name which could be either a big overlay or simply above it. Power bar I don't know yet, as you can see I've still got it showing like a regular bar right now.

What do you think? Too minimal? Too abstract? Any ideas are welcome.