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11-15-10, 08:47 AM   #38
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 43
Originally Posted by Unkn View Post
Concerning Dominos Background Panels....

You can parent a panel to an action button with Dominos, and size/position it around that button.

For example I use LitePanels and the following is what I do for my pet action bar, which isn't always there, so I don't want a panel showing all the time.

{    name = "PetBox", parent = "PetActionButton1",
        anchor_to = "LEFT", anchor_from = "RIGHT", y_off = 0, x_off = -40,
        width = "1520%", height = "150%", 
        bg_alpha = 1, gradient_color = {.1,.1,.1},
	gradient = "V", bg_color = {0,0,0}, gradient_alpha = 1, level = 0,
	border = "SOLID", border_size = 1, border_color = {.15,.15,.15}, border_alpha = .75, inset = -2,
Yes the code is just for LitePanels, but I am just showing it can be done.

I just parent panels to specific buttons instead of the actionbar itself, and scale it up.

I'm keep getting this error
Message: Interface\AddOns\LitePanels\layout.lua:284: unexpected symbol near '{'
Time: 11/15/10 12:46:56
Count: 1
I tried to clean all the code, but i keep getting this
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