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11-19-10, 10:44 PM   #5
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 34


Couple of questions:
1) What part of the script designates the item quality ( grey )? Would be good to know if I'd like to do something with item qualities in scripts later on. I'm guessing it has to do with this line:
if link and select(3, GetItemInfo(link)) == 0 then
but I don't know the syntax enough to know what objects are being used and what part is actually the checking to see if the item is grey.

2) How to I make OpenRDX use this? It looks like this script is setting up the function to do the lifting of selling the items, then connecting the function to the event of opening a merchant window. The part I'm unclear on, is how to actually put it into RDX in a way that will make it use the script.

Sorry for the kind of long questions, I'm a programmer and interested in doing scripting like this, just don't know LUA or the WoW API. Thanks!

P.S. Just to feed my own programming curiosity, can you hook multiple scripts to an event using the same syntax? e.g. could I add a function called SellGreen and add another line like:
f:SetScript("OnEvent", SellGreen)
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