Thread: Buffs and Auras
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11-24-10, 12:40 PM   #10
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 10
I apologize Scott if i gave the nUI user misinformation..i was only thinking he was wanting to temporarily turn of the aura's until a fix or until nUI6 is released as the bug in question can be a little irritating while in combat and trying to read the raid chat..
I assure you my intentions were honorable and was only trying to be helpful And i myself would never replace any of nUi's functions with another addon for the reason as you suggested as it would be pointless to use nUI in the first place. Again..please except my apologies for any confusion in my suggestion to said user. I look forward to nUI 6 and I am grateful for your dedication and hard work for this awesome UI...and as soon as my financial adviser (the wife..) allows me later today i will be making a donation to the the cause as I have now been using nUI for about 6 months and I am very happy with it. Thanks again Scott.