Thread: Buffs and Auras
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11-24-10, 01:11 PM   #13
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 121
I did that maxaura thingy.. and now I cant see my buffs and stuff....

nUI doesnt work... I want my money back....

Oh wait... I didnt pay for it....


Tongue in cheek response...

Trying (failing) to add humour to the thread....

*disappears back into the nether....*
Have fun, and remember WOW is just a game, for us to enjoy, and all the Addons we use.... remember the programmer is a human too, and MOST times, is doing this as a hobby, so give them time to have their life, so they can fix the addons, so we can have our WOW life.