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01-05-11, 05:15 PM   #1
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 21
Mods: Goto's and HUD Arrow

Hi, I would like to suggest two seemingly-simple and minor mods to the addon:

1. Currently, we can't right-click on a town symbol or digsite symbol and "goto" it. We have to set the goto next to it, which involves a lot of monkey-motion: zoom way in, at which point the symbol completely disappears, so zoom out a bit at a time until it reappears, carefully maneuver your cursor arrow as close as you can to the actual place you want to go, but not TOO close or you won't be able to set the goto, etc. etc. blah blah. We need to be able to just right-click pretty much ANY symbol and set a goto for it directly without all the fiddle-faddling around. That would be wonderful.

2. All of the available color schemes for the HUD arrow are almost identical, in that they result in a white or pale yellow arrow with or without outline, depending on how far off-center we are pointed at any given moment. The problem is, all of these light colors fade to invisibility against a cloudy or otherwise-whiteish sky, and the supposedly-contrasting outlines fade when you're pointed directly at your target. Since we are now flying everywhere and not just in Outland and Northrend, and doing Archaeology, which involves setting goto's and flying to them across multiple zones, etc., the pale colors and disappearing outlines pretty much mean we can't see our HUD arrows about 75% of the time we're flying somewhere. It would be great to have some really garish NEON colors to choose from like brilliant neon green with shocking pink or tangerine orange outline that does NOT fade when pointed at the target, etc. etc. It's not about aesthetics, it's about being able to see it against various sky conditions when it is centered.

Thanks again for the great addon.

Last edited by Nocturna : 01-05-11 at 05:19 PM. Reason: clarify