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03-22-11, 07:23 PM   #17
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 1
you can do it with macro too, just changing the *x,*y values to fit your need:

/run COMBAT_TEXT_LOCATIONS = {startX = 0,startY = 384 * COMBAT_TEXT_Y_SCALE,endX =0,endY = 609 * COMBAT_TEXT_Y_SCALE};
or with addon: a posthook on "CombatText_UpdateDisplayedMessages" and then change those value to have it permanent.

that is when you dont want to change every single message and just want to change the floating in general
I've just tried this macro and it works perfectly. However, it seems that it resets the growing way of the FCT to downwards, and I was wondering if there's any script to do it grow upwards that could be combined with this macro.

I'm trying to have my floating combat text to hover just above my head, because sometimes, with the default behaviour, it gets over my raid frames and I find this quite annoying.

Anybody can help? Thanks so much in advance!
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