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04-14-11, 11:20 PM   #2
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by surfman View Post

I want to transfer a setup from 1 character on one WoW installation (on say C: ) to another installation of WoW on D:

How can I do this ?

Please help or point me to a thread that shows this.

I have read all the help files and they dont show how to do this on different WoW installations.

OK. But did you read (I mean actually read) the "CarboniteReadMe" plain text file that is in the main Carbonite folder at "Path to your WoW folder\Interface\AddOns\Carbonite"?

If you had, you would have found this (of course, I'm not positive this is what you're looking for, but it's all I could find):

-- Carbonite Transfer

CarboniteTransfer is a simple addon that is used to move Warehouse data between accounts. It will also be used to send and receive favorites in the future. You can delete it or disable it, although it takes almost no memory since it is empty until used.

In the Warehouse you right click the character list and select "Sync account transfer file" and any characters from your other synced accounts are imported from the CarboniteTransfer.lua file and characters in the current account are exported to the CarboniteTransfer.lua file. The file is then copied to the Savedvariables folder of another account, so you can sync the Warehouse data when you login with that account.

Transfering is a manual process, because addons cannot directly access files and can't see addon data from other accounts. You have to copy the CarboniteTransfer.lua file from one SavedVariables folder to another.


1 Login to any character using AccountA.

2 Select "Sync account transfer file" from the Warehouse menu.

3 Logout. Go back to Account Screen, which saves the CarboniteTransfer.lua file.

4 Copy WTF\Account\<AccountA>\SavedVariables\CarboniteTransfer.lua to WTF\Account\<AccountB>\SavedVariables\CarboniteTransfer.lua

5 Login to any character using AccountB.

6 Select "Sync account transfer file" from the Warehouse menu. AccountB will now have Warehouse data from AccountA.
Unfortunately, this information is easy to miss, since it seems that not a whole lot of Carbonite users know about that file even being there. It contains a lot of information about what Carbonite does, and how to set it up. In my opinion, it's a "must read" for any Carbonite user.

I'm not sure this would work, but you could go to the "Path to your WoW folder\WTF\Account\ACCOUNT NAME\SavedVariables\" folder for the account you want to copy the set up from, and find the "Carbonite.lua" file. Copy it, and paste it into the same spot in your other account. When you log into the character you want the set up copied to, just do it like you would on any other character. I really don't have any idea if this will work, but I figure it might be worth a try if the other way isn't what you are looking for. In the folder you are copying the file to, please first make sure to rename the "Carbonite.lua" file that is already there. That way if it doesn't work, at least you haven't lost the current set up you are using on that account. If it doesn't work, just delete the new file, and rename the original one back. It doesn't have to be fancy, either. Changing the "Carbonite.lua" file to "Carbonite_.lua" will be sufficient (and easily changed back).

The only other way I can think of is to use the old fashioned way: Pencil (or pen) and paper. Jot down the major settings, and just change the options around on the other character that way.

Last edited by jeffy162 : 04-14-11 at 11:52 PM.