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04-22-11, 01:02 PM   #1
The Great Equalizer
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 155
To the WoWInterface Web Team

I posted a thread once giving a big thanks to the team for doing what they do and being full of awesomeness. I've been a member of the interface sites since 2003 and am a big supporter of their efforts. I believe they do something wonderful and should be recognized for it daily. On that note....

So i go to log in one day and VB kicks me to the HEY YOU NEWB WRONG PASSWORD page. I'm like eh? I try again. Nothing. 5 Attempts, locked out. I send in a thing via ZAM and get a typical response ( which I would give if it were me ) you know... "Did you push the power button on your computer Sir to make sure it was on?" I'm like ya, and so on going through the motions. Nada.

Work comes that week and I'm frustrated. I just renewed my all powerful ZAM membership and thinkin' hmmpf they probably don't even care about me. They got my money now what.

Just in case I check all the other sites. Guess what? They work fine. I'm like hmmm.

So I send in a help thing again. This time, I get this multi paged response. Basically it's the entire Interface team talking in emails about my account asking what's wrong with it to each other. Mind you, I didn't spam them with inquiries, but because of the unique situation of my account I had to explain not only my user name, but intimate details of my account. ( newb on my part ) I had used an old email address and never updated it. /blush

First, these guys are awesome they had every detail thought of and were trying to find a solution. My Frustration went right out the window and I actually turned to my GF that night said "Hey, these guys are pretty freakin awesome!" she said "Yeah whatever when are you turning that game off and spending time with me..." anyhow back to the subject at hand..

Second, they asked me clear concise no nonsense questions and I was able to give feedback and we all figured it out. I had a bug specific to my user account.

In my opinion this particular situation would have never been figured out by "normal" administrators. Those normal people don't give a crap. The Interface team does. I just wanted to make sure everybody knew, the ZAM network is run by really good people that care about your gaming experiences. /muchlove /salute /cheer
"I make addons, mods, and interface compilations for options. No matter how good of a game dev you are, you do not know what I like." - EQSanctum

Last edited by eqsanctum : 04-22-11 at 01:06 PM.
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