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05-13-11, 07:01 AM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 130
[Need Help] Skinning Addons (with skinner) with Mouse-Over Information

I have a question about addons such as Auctioneer and EquipCompare being skinned to match my UI. I have provided a picture that shows three purposes.

1. The main-mouse over upon an item shows the item information skinned, and to the right is EquipCompare which is not skinned (Is it possible to skin?)

2. The box outlined in red is the auctioneer addon and is not skinned. (Can this be skinned as well?)

3. How do you remove the outlined box in auctioneer? (I have tried setting it so that it hides a lot of information when the alt button is pressed, but it still doesn't hide the mouse-over tooltip completely)

Theoretically, it should be possible to skin the addons and remove the mouse-over tooltip from auctioneer via coding (since coding implemented the function in the first place), and that the addons can be skinned via coding (since the main blizzard item mouseover frame is able to be skinned).

I've posted in both of the Addon author's addon comments, and have been trying to research on this topic for several months now and have given up and decided to ask straightforward.

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