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07-08-11, 08:52 AM   #2
A Cliff Giant
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 71
What i can see:

The unit frames can be done in several programs. The one I'm using now, pitbull4, is pretty easy to manipulate with a pretty light learning curve. Seerah turned me onto pitbull4 and i'm quite happy with it.

He seems to be using skada dmg meter in the lower right corner.

he is using quartz or some other cast bar addon to see his casts in a larger format. quartz is very easy to use.

he is using dot timer(possibly dotimer) to help with his DoT uptime and efficiency.

he is using doom pulse cooldowns. this gives him the fading icon when a spell CD is ready.

obviously, he is using DBM as well. (deadly boss mods)

i think he is using a combat text addon also. i use parrot, which is more than capable of doing exactly what he is.. you can also add sound alerts for almost anything using libsharedmedia or your own sounds.

thats what im seeing. hope this helps!

edit: the action bars can be done in almost any bar addon. i use bartender, but i've been hearing about a less bulky one, the name of which i just cannot recall atm. bartender has done me right for several years, however.

Last edited by wellbeing : 07-08-11 at 08:55 AM.
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