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07-10-11, 02:57 AM   #1124
A Theradrim Guardian
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 62
Originally Posted by Haleth View Post

@ Ulost; Not to be rude, but it looks like a bit of a mis-match of different addons and styles. You use different border styles everywhere, 2 different pixel fonts, a huge pixel font on your unitframes (doesn't look that good imo), you have a minimap icon showing, etc.

I like the chat font though, looks crisp. What is it if I can ask?
Oh, my b. Forgot about the Nameplates, they're just something I had to replace for 4.1/4.2 that I never did anything to.

All the borders should be the same for the most part, 1px black (except on debuffs/target debuffs due to a scaling issue, because I'm using SBF/ButtonFacade)

Minimap icon is just another thing I forgot to turn off after updates/etc. for 4.2

also, three pixel fonts because I haven't fixed Tinydps yet.
of the two pixel fonts that are obvious, which would work better (Hoog0556 or
Chat font is Liberation Sans (size 12 I think?)