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12-03-11, 05:42 PM   #15
A Molten Giant
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 793
Neat phone. I had to reply because I am looking for a good and useful android based phone but with good hardware too, I currently use Nokia N78 but I fear within a half or a year it will be kaput and I need a new one.

My problem is that the cheap android phones seem so unstable, I don't know, get some sort of plastic feel in my mind when I read about them, really low resolution and such. I want my phone not to be overpriced yet to be usable within the next 2-4 years.

Does anyone have some personal experience using one of the latest phones like latest HTC models, and have tried the cheaper once around 450$ and feel they compete with the latest models in term of resolution, smoothness, response times, e.g.

I think it's sad that there isn't much development on the standard phone end, too much focus on the smart phones and I have problems finding a good GPS phone that won't cost me money additional to what I pay for calling, I mean, you can buy a GPS and never pay anything in addition but on my N78 I can't use the GPS without any GRPS turned on, c'mon Google Maps, you can do better! I have 2GB memory card, at least cache all the maps for my city in advance!

Anyway, end part is more of a rant/nerdrage thingy.
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