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12-06-11, 09:39 PM   #2
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 40
There are lots of announcement addons out there. Personally, I like "Who Taunted?" which can be configured to do a local announcement or broadcast to the group when the tank(s) use various taunt abilities. It is most useful when it announces to the group in a multi-tank situation where the tanks are swapping threat so the healers are made aware that "<tank> taunted <mob> using <ability>" which translated to healer speak means "switch to <tank> cause he's about to get his face smashed in".

The benefit of the addon for me is if I'm tanking then I can see if the other tank or a DPS taunts when they shouldn't and I can tell them to quit being dumb or I'll let them eat the dirt. In a case where I'm not tanking, but I can see the tank is not holding aggro very well and never hitting taunt then I know it is time to find a replacement tank or trade roles with the one I have.

If I remember later I'll look around and see if I can't find a few of the better ones I've run across and give you some links. If someone else doesn't beat me to it.

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