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02-24-12, 08:13 PM   #12
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by unlimit View Post
Out of curiosity, is it possible to do these entirely in LUA instead of XML?

edit: c.c Sure looks like it is going the Ace3 route, anyway to do it without Ace3, just something quick and simple? o_o
I've done that just using what was needed for the Blizzard options UI. All you do is create a frame, add some properties to it, then put whatever on it.

Full Blizzard-provided documentation is in InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua line 490:
-- HOWTO: Add new categories of options
-- The new Interface Options frame allows authors to place their configuration
-- frames (aka "panels") alongside the panels for modifying the default UI.
-- Adding a new panel to the Interface Options frame is a fairly straightforward process.
-- Any frame can be used as a panel as long as it implements the required values and methods.
-- Once a frame is ready to be used as a panel, it must be registered using the function
-- InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, i.e. InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel)
-- Panels can be designated as sub-categories of existing options. These panels are listed
-- with smaller text, offset, and tied to parent categories. The parent categories can be expanded
-- or collapsed to toggle display of their sub-categories.
-- When players select a category of options from the Interface Options frame, the panel associated
-- with that category will be anchored to the right hand side of the Interface Options frame and shown.
-- The following members and methods are used by the Interface Options frame to display and organize panels.
-- - string (required)	
--	The name of the AddOn or group of configuration options. 
--	This is the text that will display in the AddOn options list.
-- panel.parent - string (optional)
--	Name of the parent of the AddOn or group of configuration options. 
--	This identifies "panel" as the child of another category.
--	If the parent category doesn't exist, "panel" will be displayed as a regular category.
-- panel.okay - function (optional)
--	This method will run when the player clicks "okay" in the Interface Options. 
-- panel.cancel - function (optional)
--	This method will run when the player clicks "cancel" in the Interface Options. 
--	Use this to revert their changes.
-- panel.default - function (optional)
--	This method will run when the player clicks "defaults". 
--	Use this to revert their changes to your defaults.
-- panel.refresh - function (optional)
--  This method will run when the Interface Options frame calls its OnShow function and after defaults
--  have been applied via the panel.default method described above.
--  Use this to refresh your panel's UI in case settings were changed without player interaction.
-- EXAMPLE -- Use XML to create a frame, and through its OnLoad function, make the frame a panel.
--	MyAddOn.xml
--		<Frame name="ExamplePanel">
--			<Scripts>
--				<OnLoad>
--					ExamplePanel_OnLoad(self);
--				</OnLoad>
--			</Scripts>
--		</Frame>
--	MyAddOn.lua
--		function ExamplePanel_OnLoad (panel)
-- = "My AddOn"
--			InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel);
--		end
-- EXAMPLE -- Dynamically create a frame and use it as a subcategory for "My AddOn".
--	local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExampleSubCategory");
-- = "My SubCategory";
--	panel.parent = "My AddOn";
--	InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel);
-- EXAMPLE -- Create a frame with a control, an okay and a cancel method
--	--[[ Create a frame to use as the panel ]] -- 
--	local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExamplePanel");
-- = "My AddOn";
--	-- [[ When the player clicks okay, set the original value to the current setting ]] --
--	panel.okay = 
--		function (self)
--			self.originalValue = MY_VARIABLE;
--		end
--	-- [[ When the player clicks cancel, set the current setting to the original value ]] --
--	panel.cancel =
--		function (self)
--			MY_VARIABLE = self.originalValue;
--		end
--	-- [[ Add the panel to the Interface Options ]] --
--	InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel);
WoWInterface AddOns
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools."
-Anders (Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening)

Last edited by SDPhantom : 02-24-12 at 08:22 PM.
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