Thread: Inventory Hawk
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07-02-06, 03:28 AM   #20
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
enitjus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 11
Just a bit of a question / possible bug report.

How is the bank reporting meant to work?

For me is doesn't (or at least doesn't seem to :P) It simply has no visible effect at all, still listing 0 item count and full goal even when said items are in bank.

Now my bank frame *IS* replaced with bagnon. Is this an incompatiblity?

If so and I provide you with a wrapper that would add this to work, are you willing to insert others code into your mod? (Might seem silly to you users out there, but some authors want there products to be 100% there own.)

If you answer those like I think you will, and stop updating so bloody often :P I'd have no problem adding compatiblity for the bagnon mod set.
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