Thread: Cirk's Fastcast
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07-04-06, 10:08 PM   #18
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Some replies! (Sorry for the delay )

Originally Posted by Skizz
I understand that the "casting bar adjustment" works only under certain conditions if I use a separate mod to modify of casting bar. I use eCastingBar; should the "casting bar adjustment" work with this mod? It is a fairly popular mod for modifying how your casting bar looks, but I'm not sure whether it uses the "CastingBarFrame" and "CastingBarFrameStatusBar" objects that you mention in the Readme file. Does eCastingBar work with the "casting bar adjustment" in your FastCast? Or how do I check this myself?
Hey Skizz. I've been meaning to look at eCastingBar myself for a while to see if it would work with Fastcast (and what I'd need to do to make it so), so I'll do that, and see if I can roll something into the next Fastcast release.

Originally Posted by Ashes
I have taken the liberty to add a function in the macro callable functions portion of the Fastcast add on. It allows one to set the current latency with one the push of a button. You could even have it “calibrate” your latency everytime you cast a spell.
Hi Ashes. I actually originally had something very similar to this when I was first trying to figure out how to best implement Fastcast, and (for my testing at least) came to the conclusion that the padding factor to use wasn't directly proportional to the latency reported by the network code. Specifically the padding needs to absorb the minor variations in latency which aren't directly related to the actual value of the latency (although it is usually true that a higher latency has a higher degree of variation). I know for myself that my latency varies between 270 to 700 or so, and I basically use the same value (of 0.2) for the padding all the time. Of course thats not to say the approach you've described doesn't have merit, and may in fact be a great way to do it for many players . Maybe one day I'll add an "Auto padding" option to Fastcast, using something very similar (e.g., below 200, use 0.1, between 200 and 400 use 0.2, etc.).

Originally Posted by smokes
I dont know if you still check this forum, (its been 2 months since your last reply) but in case you do...

I was wondering if its possible to set up a macro to work with FastCast that incorperates the 8/8 Netherwind bonus of instant cast spells.

The current macro I use is:

/script local f for i=1,24 do f=f or strfind(UnitBuff("player",i) or "","Shadow_Teleport") end if not f then CastSpellByName("Scorch") else CastSpellByName("Pyroblast") end

Where "Shadow_Teleport" is the name of the buff givin by the NW proc.

To make this fast-castable, you should simply be able to add something like:
/script if FastcastStopCasting() then local f for i=1,24 do f=f or strfind(UnitBuff("player",i) or "","Shadow_Teleport") end if not f then CastSpellByName("Scorch") else CastSpellByName("Pyroblast") end end

Originally Posted by Black.
there is a bug:

while mounted and attacked by mobs/player it is NOT possible to dismount when fastcast is enabled!
pressing your mount icon doesnt do anything.

its very unconfortable to turn it on/off every time i mount
Black, I don't have this problem at all, at least with normal mounts (and paladin summoned mounts). Are you using version 1.10.2 of Fastcast? (There was problems in earlier versions with things like what you are reporting).

-- Cirk
Cirk's Addons
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