Thread: Voice Keybind
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09-06-12, 06:02 AM   #1
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 266
Voice Keybind

I wanted to ask everyone what they would recommend using for a Voice Keybind.

It seems like no matter what I use, I run into some sort of unintended consequence. First off, the actual button I use is the 12 button on the Razer Naga side grid, but that can effectively represent anything. With that in mind, this question is less about ease of access, and more about the least intrusive assignment to use.

If I chose to use a character (~, {, }, |, etc) and I have a chat window open, it will start spamming of said character, and a lot of times, depending on the active window, windows will "yell" in that irritating ping sound effect.

If I chose a Modifier, then every day use of that modifier will start up unintended voice time. Also, I use every modifier possible on my action bars, so talking while playing would lead to a dire rotation error --- mutilate, mutilate, Jeeves --- and yes, sadly I speak from experience.

If I chose a function key, that usually causes problems when I am tabbed out of game, with windows and web browsers and such, and currently, in-game I have all the function keys in use for other things.

I have even tried using things like page up, backspace, delete, but the ill-effects just get worse and worse.

I am hoping somewhere out there, someone has a secret little button that wont screw with something else.
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