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09-12-12, 01:05 AM   #9
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 134
Originally Posted by Meganbtoo View Post
Funny how you feel the need to respond in all these threads? Are you one of the authors or a relative/friend of them by any chance?
I was one of the users who paid for the subscription years ago and am a loyal follower. If I was a close friend/family member - they would've been notified the day of the update and we would've had a response much sooner than 10+ days out. If I were a friend or family member, I probably would have suggested they respond differently. I am a businessman, I can understand their possible stances and the fact that someone had financed the project. That silent partner probably has a lot of say as to when/if the code an be released to the general public for someone else to pick up on.

When there is 99% negative comments (and a bunch of flaming) being posted by members, it is also good to show some reality that it isn't that bad. In addition, I have seen these comments over and over and over again every major patch or new expansion since Blizzard told them they couldn't sell the addon and ultimately it comes down to the same thing - updates happen, just not as quickly as the "entitlement generation" wishes it would. I personally can understand the authors not wanting to release the rights and codes - especially to a big handful of loud and ungrateful complainers. As I said earlier, if I were them - I would have probably screwed with the code - fixed it to break when MoP actually comes out and people had gotten rid of the old codes and files.