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11-10-12, 05:48 PM   #6
A Frostmaul Preserver
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 267
Just to reiterate one thing Phanx mentioned: store the locale-independent ID for anything you are dealing with, spells, NPCs, etc. A side benefit of this as experienced in Wholly is you can save TomTom waypoints in English, for example, but when you start up your client in Spanish next, those Wholly/TomTom waypoints will now be in Spanish. This is because Wholly stores just the ID and leaves it to the client to fill in the blanks. Now, admittedly Grail is a lot larger than it needs be because it stores the localized names of all the quests and NPCs but that is because searching would be much more tedious if quest names were not stored (because they would have to be gotten from the runtime which takes a couple minutes at best), and targeting an NPC (or any other activity that uses the NPC name (like presenting it in a tooltip)) would not work since a client is not guaranteed to know the localized value of something unless it has encountered it already. But in any case, when Grail records the quests completed, or the spells you have experienced, e.g., it uses Blizzard's IDs for them which is a practice I would think addons developers should use.
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