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11-13-12, 09:14 AM   #8
A Murloc Raider
CougarKharne's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 5
You say Rythal waited two months before asking us what we wanted? Well try reading your history before a little better. Rythal worked on Carbonite a lot as best he could. In the begining it was just for himeself, but then for others. He kept us updated on progress and asked for ideas daily. For a long time he was restricted with what he could do because of the copyright laws. He only had full rights to the addon about a month or so ago. Untill then he could not really work on most of Carbonite, (what he did was risky).
Now it is improving, maybe not yet to your high all mighty standards (what could be). But we all owe Rythal a debt of gratitude for what he has done. If you can do something that is better, please go ahead and do it. I would love to try it. Just remember to allways check your facts first before you say anything.
When you are the Best, modesty is essential. Without it you will not be the Best for very long.