Thread: Addon Request
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03-14-13, 02:55 PM   #15
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 18
Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
Well, as it stands, nobody has any interest in it, because all you've said is that you want it to do "something" differently for raid leaders vs raid members, and you want it to do "something" in response to "some events". That's about as vague and meaningless as you can be without being Deepak Chopra Jr.

This is a hobby community, not a freelance job board. You can't just post "I want to hire a programmer" here, because nobody is here looking to get hired for a $50 freelance project, and most people here are not professional programmers. It really does matter whether your project is something an amateur addon author can put together over the weekend, or something that will take a professional programmer weeks of coding and testing.

What would you say to someone who PMed you saying "I'm a programmer, I want to start on your project, tell me what I'm coding?" Why not just say it on the forums so nobody has to waste their time PMing you to get the same answer? Why are you willing to have this conversation via PM or email, but not on a "generic forum"? The whole point of a community forum like this is that everyone can participate and contribute. Maybe you mistook this site for or whatever the big-name job site is these days?

Finally, 99% of the time when someone posts a vague "I have an awesome idea, please PM me to find out what it is", it turns out to be something that isn't even possible in the first place.
I couldn't help but notice this post is brimming with negativity and is hardly "helpful" for a community of participation. I don't see anything useful, here.

Try going to:

If you're willing to pay someone to write an addon you might get lucky and find someone on that site who will do the work.