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04-04-13, 08:36 AM   #1
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1
Used Carbonite for years

I've been a long time user of Carbonite, during the portions on and off when I have played World of Warcraft and supporter through all that time. However, I no longer feel any support towards this project. After sloppy programming resulting in error after ongoing issue not being resolved, and just plain lack of caring toward the project by the developer I will no longer be using the addon.

I updated to the most recent version (this has happened about 4 times since the release of Mists), I log on to find 8 errors just for logging on, another one when I open the map, another one when I click on a flight path preventing me from using it. Quest items not working (providing yet another error) from the Carbonite quest menu, and countless other errors resulting from simple everyday usage including walking around. All of this and more has turned this once prime addon into a well...I won't go there.

Sucks to say it but so long Carbonite!