Thread: RealUI
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04-06-13, 12:36 PM   #998
local roygbi-
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Originally Posted by Nomaddc View Post
Ok, did as you told, but now UI got messed up even more.

Here's full description of how did I get here:
- Prev rev (r3b) was working alright, without any issues (had to reinitialize every character to get skada skinned though)
- I downloaded r4 and copied interface folder properly, with "replace all"
- Updated MSBT, BadBoy as there were newer versions
- I logged in afterwards and got prompted apply patch
- accepted, auto reload ui, Skada messed up, 1st post
- as you advised ran those commands and reset skada - didn't help, Re-initialize character leads to not working "Install" button, same for reset, 2nd post
- Copied Interface once more with replace all to be sure, deleted mentioned files (game off ofc), started it once more, logged in - prompted to Install (like first time install), but Install button not working at all, Bartender screwed up, Skada still too.
- Took some initiative and went to WTF/ .... / My realm / character with problems / SavedVars / and deleted same files there too. No effect. Didn't try to log on other characters yet.
Alrighty. Might have to wait until RealUI gets re-approved and see if the new new version helps any. No idea how it blew up, I assume a bug in the Skada data in the Minipatch so I've disabled that for now.