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05-08-13, 08:00 AM   #18
A Firelord
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Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
>.> I can say with 100% certainty Carbonite does not change the nodes it's drawn based on existance... the function call to draw it does not even have a transparency parameter as it uses the global one for all icons.

if you have the minimap undocked you'll see the yellow dot overtop of the node itself, but .... I could be dead wrong, but as far as I know it's not possible for any addon to know what is displayed on the minimap, let alone adjust it's transparency if a node exists.
Could this issue (which I have noticed myself) be related to the Carbonite user's "transparency" settings AND the order of "layering?" Since both maps are drawn one over the other, the one on top will obfuscate the one underneath it, when transparency is in effect. Just wondering and asking if my thought is even close to relevant?

Example: Most good graphics programs which utilize 'Layers' have the option to prioritize which layer appears "on top", (in front of, or behind, etc.). Carbonite itself probably has no control over this, but Blizzard might have control? When transparency is involved, the effects can be noticeably different, depending upon which graphic map is on the top or bottom.