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06-21-13, 03:26 AM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 114
A smart tool to create Sublime Text color schemes.


i just came across this site:

and here is the documentation/reference: (scroll to the bottom)

TextMate and Sublime Text is equal in many cases, and this is one of them.

Lets say we want to create 2 different colors for comments, blue for a block comment(multiline comment) and green for sinlge line comments. You would do it like so:

Click the +(add) and give a name - you can name it anything you'd like. Now select some colors for background and foreground and you can also select if you want it to be bold/underlined/italic. In this case we select blue(foreground) because its for our block comment. Now in the scope name write: comment.block and add it. Now for our comment line, we will once again click add, this time we select green in our foreground color. In our scope name we write: comment.line and add it. (Dependent on which language you use you can also tell that only if the comment is a double-dash comment the highlight occours. So instead of writing comment.line, we write: comment.line.double-dash) also just by writing comment with no subcategory everything of the type comment will be highlighted.

you can specify it in other ways, but using a . between each subcategory is a nice and clean way to see which the highlighting belongs to.

So if you had some things in mind for my project like: This color highlighting would be cool, link me a page and i will take a look
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