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07-04-13, 06:01 PM   #25
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Nischi View Post
Okay so this looks great, but I have no idea how to use it, it says that I Should "Copy/Paste the extracted .zip file to your packages." But how do I do that? I've just begun developing addons so I don't know things that most take for granted I suppose. I've extracted the zip and its a lot of files ,but none that I can start with.
This package is not an addon for the game.
It is a package for a specific text editor (like notepad but more advanced) that's useful to addon developers.
As a gamer it will offer you nothing.

If I misunderstood and you're interested in developing addons for WoW and using Sublime as your text editor then you can find the place to extract this package by opening your Sublime Text editor and going through Preferences -> Browse Packages (from the editor menus).
At the folder that will open you'll probably see some existing folders like <Package Control> or <User>.
Create a folder along-side those, name it <WoWDevelopment> (no angle brackets) and extract the package files in there.
It should be
                                              \(bunch of files)
Then when you edit a .lua addon file using Sublime you can Ctrl+Shift+P (or Tools -> Command Palette if using the menu) and type WoW.
The top entry should allow you to select and apply the syntax highlighting.

If on the other hand you're interested in AddOns for World of Warcraft then
(a) welcome to the site
(b) have a look through the various addon categories
(c) take a look here for a handy guide about installing AddOns for WoW as well as this thread for links to other helpful info.

Last edited by Dridzt : 07-04-13 at 06:09 PM.
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