Thread: Using the beta
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11-21-13, 11:19 AM   #7
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 2
Talking Thank You!

I just wanted to say thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for continuing to develop this beautiful addon for my favorite game. I've been faithfully using it since it first came out and it remains one of my top 5 all-time FAVORITE and one of my top 3 all-time most USEFUL addons in existence. This may seem a simple compliment, so let me elaborate. I am an addon junkie. Wait, never mind. I am THE addon junkie, and have in use at any one time from 20-40 addons loaded, with a total of 134 installed. I've lately been attempting to curb my nasty habit and have cut these numbers way down, but you get the idea. In light of this outrage that is my addiction to addons, saying that Carbonite is among the VERY BEST there is. Thank you also for creating an update for 5.4. Whether it's alpha, beta or whatever is no matter to me. Thank you!

Your faithful fan and user always,
Elyrion (Kirin Tor)