Thread: WiP
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12-31-13, 11:07 AM   #18
A Firelord
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
You shouldn't use the UIFrameFade* functions, as Blizzard uses them irresponsibly, and taint spreads to places that can't handle it.
That actually sounded totally different than I should have read it. And after sleeping a bit, I realised that is the issue I'd walk into since it took me forever to solve that in my chat add-on (had to use your fix there )

For now, I've resorted to a different LDB display add-on, I still used LibCargoShip - which is some odd years old now. Worked like a charm though, but the non-named frames killed me. I couldn't happily shove em into a table since the entries are "table: 0x0...." and I really don't feel like regex yet. You could probably find the perfect solution, but I'm far from reaching that point. But soon-ish, I will :P But for now, I shall boldly go where a lot of men have gone before (sounds ... bad eh?) :P

Naah, seriously, gonna wrap up oUF and a few more things, have that all fixed as it should be, and then work on the LDB thing again.

But if you don't mind, that piece of code is amazing to show/hide a few other elements of my ui.
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